Interview with Danny Garaway, Director, Target Lifts

In an industry where skilled professionals are increasingly valuable, apprenticeships play a crucial role in developing the next generation of lift engineers. Target Lifts, an independent lift contractor, has established itself as a leader in apprenticeship development. Danny Garaway shares his journey from being an apprentice himself to creating opportunities for others, highlighting how investing in young talent not only shapes individual careers but strengthens the entire lift industry.

What motivated your business to start an apprenticeship scheme and what benefits has it brought?

I was an apprentice and had a fantastic apprenticeship which has led to a great career in the industry. That was my motivation and passion to start a scheme. The strict process to get the correct candidates has enabled Target Lifts to have exceptional young people willing to learn the trade. We, as a business, can really see the future generation growing before our eyes.

How do you structure your apprenticeship programme to ensure both practical skills and theoretical knowledge are developed?

Each apprentice trainee lift engineer spends one day a week completing theory work in the office. Four days a week are spent on site. The day in the office gives the apprentice time to write jobs up and cross reference accordingly.

What do you look for when recruiting new apprentices?

 Positive attitude is number one. We have employed current engineers’ sons, which is always good with me as they normally don’t want to let their parents down.

Can you tell us about the support system you have in place for apprentices (including training and mentoring)?

We work closely with an exceptional training provider, LITS. They monitor their progress. Our in-house support are the line managers to each apprentice. The line managers ensure the young persons are working safe, are being monitored and most of all, ensuring they feel happy and safe at work.

How has working with LEIA Assessment helped ensure your apprentices meet industry standards? What have you found useful in terms of resources?

The stronger the candidate, the better this has proven to be. The support from LEIA is great, although we do also rely heavily on our training provider.

What impact have your apprentices had on your business and company culture?

Target Lifts has made a name for a company that invests in young people. Consultants, competitors and mainly clients often mention the fact that as an independent Lift Contractor, Target is leading the way.

How do you measure the success of your apprenticeship programme, what outcomes have been achieved so far?

We have had one apprentice completely finish his full apprenticeship. Tony Howell-Smith and I, were very proud of the apprentice. In fact, he is now out completing installations to an exceptional standard.

Have you faced any challenges implementing and running the programme? Yes, we have had very ambitious candidates, fly through an interview, yet to seriously fail a basic test with our training provider. We are then left to make a decision whether to give them employment and pay for the training ourselves, rather than use the government funding.

How do you see your apprenticeship scheme evolving? Are there opportunities for growth?

Target Lifts have a great reputation and fortunately we have plenty of opportunities for growth. In fact, we encourage our apprentice to look for an area within the industry they enjoy the most and inform them of where it could lead.

What would you say to other employers considering starting an apprenticeship scheme? What advice would you give them?

Don’t hesitate, use the government funding to bring new blood into this amazing industry. Give back and provide adequate support to assist people to succeed.

Interested in an apprenticeship? Take a look at the Lift Careers site for details on companies hiring apprentices.



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