What’s included in this EPA?
There is just one route available in this Apprenticeship, and Apprentices will learn core skills, knowledge and behaviours they will be assessed against.
Full EPA Specification
Get all the details about this Apprenticeship’s assessment including the applicable skills, knowledge and behaviours it will be measured against
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When does it happen?
Apprentices all learn at different speeds, typically they will spend 24 months training on the job and being guided through their structured learning plan (ST0872) by the Training Provider.
The Gateway for EPA will be when an employer (in consultation with the Training Provider) is satisfied the Apprentice can consistently demonstrate all of the knowledge, skills and behaviours outlined in their learning plan.
What must be complete?
Your Apprentice will be ready for EPA when they have:
- Achieved Level 2 qualification in English and Mathematics*
- Compiled their Portfolio of Evidence
Training Providers must submit the learner Gateway Form and supporting evidence via ACE360.
* For those with an education, health and care plan or a legacy statement the apprenticeships English and Maths minimum requirement is Entry Level 3. A British Sign Language qualification is an alternative to English qualifications for those whom this is their primary language.
What happens next?
Training Provider
Submit learner Gateway Form and supporting evidence via ACE360.
Receives and pays the EPA invoice, which must be paid in full prior to EPA.
LEIA Assessment
Reviews Gateway Form and evidence to pass the Apprentice through the Gateway.
Employer or Training Provider
Books EPA dates with LEIA ASAP. It can take up to 3 months to schedule Assessments, so the earlier the better.
Must prepare for and complete their EPA within 6 months of Gateway.
NextWhat is it?
It’s a 30-question test assessed against the outlined knowledge and behaviours.
29 questions are closed response multiple choice questions, where one answer from a choice of four must be selected. 1 question will be scenario based.
How does it work?
This test needs to be taken under controlled conditions. A quiet environment, free from distractions and influence, without access to reference materials, and in the presence of an EPAO appointed invigilator.
It can be done online or face-to-face computer-based.
The time limit is 60 minutes.
How is it assessed?
Tests taken via our online testing tool will be marked automatically by the system.
One question equals one point, 30 points are available.
Score of 20 or less = Fail
Score 21 – 26 = Pass
Score 27 or more = Distinction
1x Knowledge Test re-sit for each Apprentice is included in our EPA price.
NextWhat is it?
Practical Assessments are perfect for allowing people to demonstrate their skills through completing hands-on tasks in a realistic work setting. The approach consists of:
Task 1 (3hrs)
Strip down, maintenance and examination of two items of manually powered lifting appliances to assess condition.
The apprentice must be assessed carrying out this task in relation to two different items from the following list:
- Chain Hoist
- Lever Hoist
- Jaw Winch
One of which must require repair and verification, and one of which doesn’t.
Task 2 (1hrs)
Examination of two items of manually powered lifting appliances to assess condition, these must be two different ones from the following list:
- Jacks
- Hand Operated Winch
- Travelling Trolleys
- Pulley Block
Task 3 (1hrs)
Examination of six different lifting accessories from the following list:
- Shackle, Eyebolt
- Multi-Leg Chain Sling
- Multi-Leg Wire Rope Sling
- Flat Webbing Sling
- Round Sling
- Plate Clamp
- Beam Clamp
How does it work?
The Assessor will only observe one Apprentice at a time completing their practical tasks.
Practicals are arranged in consultation with employers, and Apprentices are provided with lists of tasks and timings before their assessment.
10 questions will be asked during (so long as the Apprentice is not distracted from their task) or after the practical element.
The assessment is 5 hours long.
What is it?
A one-to-one professional discussion with open questions.
LEIA Assessment trains Assessors to prepare for, and conduct, robust and fair professional discussions.
Guiding question banks are in place to support the development of appropriately structured discussions that draw out the best of the Apprentices’ competence and excellence.
How does it work?
The discussion takes place between the Assessor and the Apprentice with a minimum of 12 questions asked over a 70 minute period.
The Assessor will prepare their questions for the interview by reviewing the Apprentice’s Portfolio of Evidence.
During the discussion it’s okay for Apprentices to refer to their hard copy Portfolio to illustrate and evidence their answers.
How is it assessed?
Apprentices’ professional discussion answers will be assessed against the Knowledge, Skills & Behaviours for this assessment method.
The Portfolio of Evidence itself is not directly assessed.
Grading is against the Standard (ST0872) and the Grading Table is used to award a Pass, Distinction or Fail.
Marks for all three elements of the EPA are combined to reach an overall grade of a Pass, Distinction or Fail. To achieve final certification for this standard, the Apprentice must achieve a minimum of a Pass in each of the three EPAs. Those who gain Distinction will have demonstrated exceptional performance above the standard requirements. Those who fail will be able to analyse their grading feedback and, with employer approval, may be able to take resits.
Full Grading Table
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What is the Portfolio of Evidence?
Apprentices must compile a portfolio of evidence during the on-programme period of the apprenticeship. It must contain evidence related to the knowledge, skills and behaviours that will be assessed by the Professional Interview.
The portfolio of evidence will typically contain ten discrete pieces of evidence which may include:
- workplace documentation/records, for example job task sheets/job cards/timesheets, equipment
- maintenance/service records
- witness statements
- customer feedback
- annotated photographs showing jobs in progress
- video clips
- annotated screen shots
- handover records
When should I book my EPA?
An Apprentices EPA should be booked as soon as an Apprentice has moved through the Gateway. It’s advisable to register learners on ACE360 at the earliest opportunity during their on-programme learning and keep their progress record up-to-date so LEIA can try to ensure we have resources available at the earliest opportunity once the Apprentice is ready. As a minimum LEIA must know about the Apprentices intention to move towards EPA 3 months prior to coming to the Gateway.
How long does the EPA take?
This is determined by each individual assessment plan, but an EPA can take anywhere from 3 to 6 months depending on what’s included.
Do EPA assessments have to be in the same order?
Although a lot of assessment plans mandate an order that some assessments need to be taken in, this requirement has now been permanently removed by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education. This means that assessments can be taken in any order for all assessment plans.
What happens if my Apprentice fails their EPA?
If an Apprentice is unsuccessful in passing their EPA they’ll be given a detailed final grading report containing feedback on their unsuccessful areas. The Apprentice may need some additional training before re-sitting their assessment. Where this is the case, the Apprentice must still complete their EPA in the assigned EPA window as defined in the Assessment Plan.
Apprentices will only need to re-sit the element(s) of the EPA in which they were unsuccessful. The decision on whether the Apprentice is able to re-sit the EPA is up to the Employer. Re-sits / re-takes will be chargeable at a rate per assessment and are not included in the initial agreed costs.