We set the standard for our industry and it’s no different for EPA. Our pricing reflects our dedicated, professional team, supporting you with all the quality and expertise you would expect from LEIA. Ours is a personalised service that ensures your Apprentices will be competent for their future roles and an asset to your company – and our industry.

Lift & Escalator Electromechanic EPA
£3,000 (14%)
per Apprentice

Stairlift, Platform Lift, Service Lift Electromechanic EPA
£2,200 (20%)
per Apprentice

Lifting Equipment Technician
£2,400 (20%)
per Apprentice
Ensuring affordability
As a not-for-profit organisation, we support you to ensure you’re getting the best experience and our prices are reviewed regularly. We ensure cost effectiveness through efficient scheduling, sensible use of remote assessments and price negotiation for large volumes – all with no payment until the EPA is due.
On top of that, we offer free access to ACE360, the online Apprenticeship management system, and include 1x free knowledge test re-sit for each Apprentice. For transparency, you can see our costs for face-to-face and remote re-sits here.
Assessment re-sit prices
Standard | Assessment | Face-to-Face | Remote |
ST0252 Level 3 Lift & Escalator Electromechanic |
Knowledge Test | £244 | £82 |
Project Report Presentation and Q&A | £435* | £300 | |
Structured Discussion | £435* | £300 | |
ST0251 Level 2 Stairlift, Platform Lift, Service Lift Electromechanic |
Knowledge Test (Multiple Choice) | £244 | £82 |
Practical Assessment with Questions | £1185 | n/a | |
Professional Interview | £685 | £400 |
* Additional venue hire will be added if required
What’s included?
Free access to ACE360 to fully manage EPAs online
We streamline the EPA process, reduce cost, deliver efficiencies and improve quality of the assessment process for everyone by using ACE360 – the industry-standard End-Point Assessment management system.
Specialist resources and mock assessments to support learners
To achieve a rigorous and supportive EPA, we provide guidance and preparation materials. For each EPA we provide access to 1 mock knowledge test assessment on our online testing system, example discussion questions as well as guidance materials for Employers, Training Providers and Apprentices.
Compliant and regularly reviewed assessment materials
Being Ofqual recognised guarantees that we are continuously evolving our processes and reviewing and developing specialist assessment materials. We bring excellence to EPA to deliver the very best assessments to Apprentices.
Fully qualified, specialist Lift Industry assessors for all standards
Delivered for professionals, by professionals. Our Assessment team are all currently active in the industry, so your Apprentices’ occupational competence will be assessed by people who can truly call themselves industry experts.
Pre-assessment checks to prepare Apprentices for success
In support of achieving the best possible outcomes for learners, we deliver unrivalled assessment preparation support. Taking the time to check spaces, technology and align on processes often puts Apprentices at ease.
Quality assurance checks to ensure fair grading
With fair grading we remove the risk of under skilled professionals in our industry. So we carry out regular standardisation and moderation activities to check the consistency of our assessment decisions and outcomes.
Why LEIA Assessment?
As the voice of the UK’s lift and escalator industry, we’ve applied our expertise to offer an experience that’s consistent, rigorous and supportive – for everyone. LEIA Assessment are bringing a new level of excellence to EPA.
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What is your pricing model?
Our pricing model is determined by the ESFA Conditions of recognition for End-Point Assessment Organisations and includes the following, while costs ineligible for the receipt of public funding are not included, such as assessor recruitment and professional development, promotion and marketing costs.
- Registration onto ACE360 and on-boarding of apprentices for End-Point Assessments
- 1 free Knowledge Test re-sit
- The design of the End-Point Assessment materials and any mock materials
- The provision of guidance and support and the materials used in the delivery of End-Point Assessments
- The gateway checks and the scheduling of End-Point Assessments
- The provision of trained, qualified and approved assessors
- Delivery of End-Point Assessments
- The development and maintenance of End-Point assessment tools
- Internal quality assurance, monitoring and standardisation
- Administration, expenses and overheads
I’ve got more than one Apprentice. Can I negotiate the price?
We are always open to negotiate on prices with employers in situations that include larger volumes of Apprentices, timing of assessments or where savings can be made due to the location of assessments and the amount of assessment team travel required. As a not-for-profit organisation, we have calculated our prices to cover our costs and not to make a profit.
When will I be invoiced?
We will invoice the main training provider (the main provider is the provider that holds the contract with the ESFA and draws down the funding for the apprenticeship) anywhere between 3 months before EPA and at Gateway. We advise that a minimum of 3 months should be allowed for invoicing and scheduling of EPA, however we accept that sometimes this may not be possible. We require invoices to be paid in full prior to EPA, any delay in this happening will impact on the delivery of EPA.
What are your payment terms?
Our payment terms are 30 days, or prior to EPA – whichever is sooner.
What happens if my Apprentice needs more than 1 re-sit?
Unless there is a cap on the amount of re-sits an Apprentice is able to take, specified on the assessment plan, then the decision of whether an Apprentice is able to re-sit more than once is up to the Employer. We would recommend that assessments are not attempted anymore than 3 times, however, we would discuss this with the Employer before a final decision was made.
Can I make reasonable adjustments for my Apprentice?
We welcome reasonable adjustment requests for Apprentices, however this must be done at Gateway and supporting evidence will need to be provided. We will review the request and all the evidence submitted and notify you of our decision well in advance of the EPA.